2019 IHRA Rulebook

42 IHRA Figure 7: General roll bar specs extend outside of the frame rails or protected area. Arm restraints must be installed in a way that they will release with the drivers restraint system. SYSTEM MUST BE UPDATED AT TWO-YEAR INTERVALS FROM DATE OF MANUFACTURE, FOR ALL ENTRIES REQUIRING THE SYSTEM. (All cars that are NOT required by Class Requirements to use SFI 16.1 driver restraint system do not need belts updated.) All seat belt and shoulder harness installations must be mutually compatible, originally designed to be used with each other. For harness installation. Cars using OEM or OEM type seat, may route crotch strap in front of seat instead of through seat. Only those units that release all attachment points in one motion are permitted. When arm restraints are worn with a system that utilizes a “latch lever’, a protective cover must be installed to prevent arm restraint from accidentally releasing the lever. All harness sections must be mounted to the frame, cross member, or reinforced mounting, and installed to limit driver’s body travel both upward and forward. Seat belts may not be wrapped around lower frame rails. Upper-torso restraining straps are permitted in all other cars. It is acceptable that all