2019 IHRA Rulebook

52 IHRA GENERAL RACE REGULATIONS The procedures and regulations set in this book shall be followed at all IHRA sanctioned events. These are a guide toward a universal racing goal, and interpretation will be made by the Director of Competition. His decision shall be final. ALL ENTRIES MUST COMPLETE THE TECHNICAL INSPECTION PROCEDURE PRIOR TO COMPETITION. Adjustments may be made at any time if a particular combination is determined to have an unfair competitive advantage in a particular class. IHRA reserves the right to determine the validity of any race or elapsed time in the event that the contestant deliberately attempts to discredit the run. ANTIFREEZE: Antifreeze is prohibited from being in the vehicle. Violations may result in disqualification at the discretion of the event director. BREAKOUT: On any run of a handicap eliminator if both cars break out, the car breaking out the least will be declared the winner. If both cars break out the same amount, the “first-to-finish’‘ shall be declared the winner. BURNOUTS: Limited to one across starting line for Top ET. Prohibited in all other classes. One warning will be issued at the discretion of the race director for any violation. All pre-race burnouts are restricted to designated area, using water only. Race Director has the option to modify burnout regulations as conditions warrant. If a contestant’s car should break on a burnout, it is permissible to push it back if time permits. No additional crew members may proceed down the track to assist in pushing the entry back unless instructed to do so by an IHRA official. It must be pushed by IHRA officials and/or original down track “back-up” crew members only. The timeframe associated with waiting for the car being pushed back is determined solely by the starting line officials. If the entry cannot back up or be pushed back, it is not allowable to turn around on the track and drive back to the starting line. Crossing the center line during a burnout is not an automatic disqualification unless such action is deemed to be careless or hazardous to the vehicle in the other lane, in which case the director may, at his sole discretion, disqualify the offending driver from further competition in that event. Holding of cars in the water box prohibited unless approved by safety director. All water in burnout area to be put down by officials only. BYE RUNS: Bye runs must be made in all categories. The driver must stage under the vehicle’s own power. Lane boundary line crossing and red light disqualification rules do not apply on bye runs. Bye run winners do not need to stop at the scales or fuel check unless they elect to do so to have the run validated for lane choice, record setting purposes, etc. CHANGING CARS OR CLASSES: Once the competitor has completed the inspection process and has been classified, no changes of class or category are permitted. Entries may not change classes, eliminator categories or withdraw from competition after they have entered the staging lanes for qualifying or time trials. If a driver is entered in an eliminator and is defeated (or breaks), he may change to another eliminator (or car), only if Tech is still open for the class he wishes to enter. If Tech is closed for that class, he is out of competition for that event. If the event is rescheduled with qualifying open, class or eliminator changes are permitted. Advance notification to the IHRA competition department is mandatory. A driver may qualify a car and then withdraw the car from competition, and enter another car providing Tech has not closed, and a qualifying session remains. When a driver switches cars, the qualifying position and any points earned by the first car are forfeited. No competition vehicle may be used by more than one person during an event. If a competitor wishes to change to a different vehicle, it must be a new entry and not one that has been previously qualified by a different driver. No competition vehicle may be used by more than one person during an event. If a competitor wishes to change to a different vehicle, it must be a new entry and not one that has been previously qualified by a different driver. Once eliminations have begun, switching cars is prohibited. You must finish eliminations with the car you started with except as listed below. CONTINGENCY AWARDS: Class and qualifying contingency must be verified immediately after final qualifying session. Winner and Runner Up contingency will be verified after the final round of eliminations. To be eligible for contingency awards, the following criteria must be adhered to: 1. Decals must be placed on both sides of the vehicle on a vertical surface. Decals must be visible in IHRA official photo used for contingency verification. Failure to comply with