2019 IHRA Rulebook

56 IHRA drivers license from their state of residence. All pit vehicles must display the race car number. Limited to one person per seat on the vehicle. The driver of the race car will be held accountable for the enforcement of all rules in this section and will be subject to disqualification for any violations. Participant Conduct Each member and/or participant agrees to familiarize himself with all applicable rules and regulations prior to competing in any IHRA sanctioned event. Any participant (driver, crew, friend, etc.) who is caught operating a vehicle in an unsafe manner may be disqualified from the event or series based upon the severity of the offense. All competitors must remain in their vehicle until it reaches the return road. All competitors must refrain from removing or loosening safety equipment while on the racing surface. In the event of an accident, drivers in close proximity to the accident must refrain from going to the accident scene. We realize that you may be trying to help; however, recent accidents have validated the danger that you may be placing yourself in by going to the scene. We need to emphasize the importance of not stopping your vehicle on the racing surface as well as proceeding in a timely fashion to the end of the track in the event of an aborted pass. These actions delay our program as well as make you sit in the hot protective clothing longer than necessary. Each member and/or participant expressly agrees that the act of entering an IHRA sanctioned event shall constitute an agreement by him to be bound by all the rules and regulations covering the event. The participant also agrees to be bound by any of the decisions of the Race Director, and to release the Race Director, and all other event officials, from liability for an alleged erroneous decision, and further gives IHRA the right to alter any photographs taken of his vehicle during said event. It is your responsibility to keep control of your pet at all times while in attendance at IHRA events. It is mandatory that all pets be restrained on a leash at all times. Failure to comply with these requests may result in disqualification or litigation if your pet harms another person at any IHRA sanctioned event. DRIVER CONDUCT: Any driver who refuses to voluntarily reduce speed, or stop in the event a car does not handle properly (i.e. excessive drifting of the car toward the center or the edge of the strip), or any driver who willfully fishtails or weaves in an attempt to show undue disregard for the safety of himself or spectators, will be immediately barred from further competition. If such conduct should take place during an Elimination run off, the race will automatically be forfeited to his opponent. Any driver and/or pit crew member found to be under the influence of alcoholic beverages or drugs regardless of the amount, will be barred from the meet and this shall be considered sufficient cause for suspension and/or revocation of their competition privileges. A participant is any person taking part in any IHRA event in any form, including but not restricted to drivers, car owners, mechanics, crew members, sponsors, track officials or pit area observers. All such persons shall be considered public figures who have by their own choice become involved in IHRA racing events, with the full understanding that he or she must abide by the rules and regulations established and published or announced by IHRA. All participants are considered to be responsible for their personal conduct and must behave in a professional manner at all times. Any participant who verbally or physically threatens another person or behaves in a manner determined by IHRA to be detrimental to the event or sport may be suspended at any time. In the event of an accident or medical emergency, the driver/s must be officially released by the IHRA physician on hand, before the competitor will be permitted to re-enter to competition. Any action or behavior deemed detrimental by IHRA towards IHRA will result in disciplinary action and/or suspension or monetary fines. Driver is responsible for the actions of his or her crew. Any protests or appeals to general race regulations must be filed by the driver. INTERFERENCE: In the event of an accident, crew or family members, or other drivers, etc. may not interfere with the Safety crew. Interference will result in fines, loss of points, suspension, which may be levied per person. RACE CREDENTIALS : Wristbands or credentials must be worn at all times by drivers and their crew members. Bands that have been cut or altered will be considered null and void. Sneak-Ins or stowaways will not be tolerated. Teams found to have a member without a valid wristband or individuals with them who did not pay as crew or spectators will lose all points accumulated up to that point in the year, their race entry, and will be disqualified from the event. The authority of the Race Director to make decisions shall include and cover every facet of any kind in connection with the track, points system, conduct of the race, competition,