2019 IHRA Rulebook

IHRA 57 behavior of contestants, and shall include the right to suspend, bar, expel, or disqualify without liability of any kind or nature. The National Race Director’s decision shall be final. IHRA reserves the right to postpone, reschedule or cancel any race for any reason. Gold Cards: IHRA Gold cards are awarded to our IHRA World and Team Finals Champions. They are valid for the season stated on the card or expiration date. The cards are issued to the individuals and are not transferable. The card entitles the driver to one car and driver entry per Summit Sportsman National Championship event or weekly event at any participating IHRA sanctioned track or respective main event at our regional team finals. Certain special events at your weekly track may not apply. Any person involved in the misuse of a Gold Card will be suspended from competition for 12 months from the date of infraction. Publicity In consideration of being allowed to enter and by being issued credentials to an IHRA Event or an event at an IHRA member track, the vehicle owner, the vehicle driver, crew members, extra crew members, and other holders of event credentials (the “participant”) agree as follows: 1) All rights to advertising, promotion, filming, recording, exhibition, and other exploitations of the Event, the participants and vehicles entered in the Event, and their activities at the site of the Event before, during, and after the Event and reasonably related to the event, are reserved to IHRA and its assigns; 2) Participants hereby grant IHRA and its assigns (a) full and unconditional permission to make still or motion pictures and any other type(s) of audio or visual recordings of their activities at the site of the Event before, during, and after the Event and reasonably related to the event; and (b) the exclusive, worldwide and perpetual rights to use the same, together with their names, likeness, and biographies of participants, and the names, likeness, and date of, or relating to, their entered vehicles for publicity, advertising, exhibition or exploitation, whether or not for profit, in print, audio, video, and other communications media by reproduction and sale or other distribution by any and all means now known or hereafter developed; 3) Participants agree (a) that, without the prior written consent of IHRA, they shall not take any still or motion pictures or make any audio or visual recording of the event, participants therein, or activities at the site of the event for use other than personal, in home use of the participant, or cause or permit others to do so or to use the same; (b) that IHRA shall have exclusive, worldwide, perpetual, and universal use of any pictures or recordings made or used in violation of this paragraph; and (c) that IHRA shall be irreparably harmed by the making or use of such pictures or recordings in such fashion without such permission. Participant Apparel Sales Contestants participating at an IHRA National or Divisional event have the privilege of selling their race team’s wearing apparel. Any wearing apparel sold must have the vehicle and/or driver identity on the clothing. Contestants may not sell any apparel that does not have either their vehicle or driver identification as a permanent part of the item. The allowable wearing apparel items that may be sold are: Hats, Headbands, T-shirts, Dress Shirts, Jackets, Sweatshirts, Sweatpants and Shoes. The sale of Sunglasses, Toys, Hearing Protection, Seat Cushions, Film, Cameras, Rain Gear, Umbrellas, Ticket/Credential holders and Can Coolers are strictly prohibited. Any items not specifically listed must be approved in advance by IHRA. Team Sponsor Apparel: Contestants may sell wearing apparel promoting their sponsor. The guidelines are as follows - a) The apparel sold must meet the same criteria as outlined above, b) The sponsor must have primary major visual exposure on the race vehicle. All artwork and related products must be IHRA accepted prior to selling at any IHRA event. Illegal Drugs or Substances 1) Illegal Drugs, Definition: Illegal drugs are those substances defined and prohibited by state and/or federal laws. 2) General Prohibition: Possession or use of illegal drugs or drug substances, as defined above, is prohibited in any form, by any participant at any IHRA event, either on the Dragway, grounds, or in any area considered to be used in the operation of the Dragway. 3) VIOLATIONS AND PENALTIES: Any person found to be in possession of or under the influence of an illegal drug or drug substance at an IHRA event, as defined above, OR any person who is arrested by duly-constituted authorities and charged with use of illegal drugs or drug substances SHALL BE SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING PENALTIES