2019 IHRA Rulebook

58 IHRA BY IHRA: a) Suspension from competition and eviction from all IHRA events, and denial of further entry in an IHRA event for a period to be determined by IHRA officials. b) Any participant who is formally charged by a court of law with an illegal drug violation, upon notification to management of the agency, shall be suspended from all forms of participation at IHRA events until such time as the charges are fully adjudicated through the legal process. Any participant convicted of a formal drug charge by such process of law will be prohibited from taking part in any IHRA event. 4) APPEAL AND HEARING: Any participant suspended for violation of these rules may be granted an appeal hearing by a board of officials designated by IHRA, provided the suspended participant requests such a hearing, in writing, within 14 calendar days of the date of suspension. It is the responsibility of the suspended party to make such a request if a hearing is desired. 5) REINSTATEMENT: A participant suspended for violation of these rules, EXCEPT IN THE CASE OF PERSONS CHARGED WITH SELLING DRUGS, may, as the result of a decision reached through the hearing process detailed above, be reinstated, if it is mutually agreed that the participant - at his or her own expense - will produce documentation from a physician licensed within the state, certifying that he or she is drug dependent, as a result of random and periodical examinations and urinalysis testing, made at the request of IHRA management. 6) PRESCRIBED DRUGS: If a participant is using prescription drugs on the advice of a physician, such must be reported to the racing director prior to the participant’s entry into any IHRA activities. Failure to so notify will subject participant to penalties as described above. Technical Protest and Appeals Procedures The TECHNICAL DIRECTOR and/or the RACE DIRECTOR present at the event will have the authority to disqualify any organization, automobile or participant from a meet. They reserve the right to demand the tear down of any entry or pit for inspection at any time during the event without protest charge. This is known as an official protest. The time and place of the actual tear down will be determined by the Technical or Race Director. The protested car will be thoroughly disassembled by the car owner, driver or pit crew for checking by the tech director. Refusal to disassemble an entry will result in the disqualification of the car and/or driver indefinitely. Any further action will be at the discretion of the Race Director. THE TECHNICAL DIRECTOR AND/OR THE RACE DIRECTOR RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REFUSE ANY PROTEST. Protests must be submitted, in writing, to the Technical/Competition Director a minimum of two hours before eliminations begin. In order to file a protest, a competitor must be an owner or driver of a car that is entered in the same eliminator bracket as the car or driver that is being protested. Protests will be submitted to the TECHNICAL DIRECTOR before any eliminator runs have begun. Protest fees, will be forfeited to the car owner if the protested car is determined to be legal for its class. If the protested car is determined to be illegal, the protest fees will be returned to the person or persons who filed protest. If the Tech Director feels that time is inadequate to check a car before eliminations begin, then a protested car will run in the eliminator bracket until it is defeated or wins the bracket. As soon as a protested car wins an eliminator bracket or is defeated in the rounds, the driver will report with the car immediately to the Technical Director. Failure to do so or being found illegal will result in suspension of the car and driver for one year from the date of the infraction. Only IHRA officials and the protested car owner, driver, and two crew men may be present during inspection and tear-down. Any protests or appeals to general race regulations or procedures must be filed by the driver and be submitted to the IHRA headquarters, in writing, within 14 of the days of the infraction. Technical Inspection All vehicles and any car/driver related equipment must pass technical inspection prior to competition. IHRA and its member tracks make no representations, warranties or assurances that a technical inspection including the review of any written information will detect any or all rule infractions related to car, driver, and/or related equipment or clothing; or prevent injury, death, or property damage. It is the participant’s responsibility to ensure that the participant’s vehicle, equipment and clothing are in compliance with all applicable IHRA rules. (See also: Disqualifications)